Jack's Digital Fabrication Website


Digital Fabrication & Prototyping Fundamentals (EP1000)

The elective is based around a self-directed project in which learners gain skills in design thinking and prototyping. Students would be driven by a phase of concept thinking accompanied by the development of a practical prototype. Students will apply design and digital fabrication processes.

About Me

Hello! Welcome to my first ever website!

My name is Jack and I am currently the Diploma for Engineering with Business

I will be noting down my journey in Digital Fabrication and Prototyping on this website 

My Interests

One of my greatest passion is to fabricate anything that I like through the use of 3D Printing, Laser Cutting Equipment and trying out new things

I have made many wacky and weird contraptions and I do not plan to stop anytime soon ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


FabLab Safety

Web Development

Computer Aided Design

3D Printing

Laser Cutting

Embedded Programming

Final Project
