Jack's Digital Fabrication Website

Final Project
Dymaxion Moon

We must develop and show the digital skills we have acquired for the project. The project needs to be registered, concept, planned, how-doed and instructed. CAD modeling of 2D cutting and 3D printed part engraving should also be included. It can also be an integrated control with an input and output microcontroller.

Dymaxion Map

A projection of a world map onto the surface of an icosahedron, which can be unfolded and flattened to two dimensions


I was Intrigued by the Dymaxion Map which Richard Buckminster Fuller have Invented.

There are also many projects which involved making a physical, three-dimensional object in Thingiverse

The Challenge

Instead of the Fuller projection of Earth, I decided to switch things up by making a Icosahedron Dymaxion Moon instead.

The idea is to hang the Dymaxion Moon up like you would a lamp as a form of mood/ambient lighting. I have also decided to implement Google Assistant Voice control as a physical switch on the Dymaxion Moon itself would make its functions cumbersome and unsightly.   The very first issue I faced was the lack of any svg/dwg drawings of the surface of the moon to create the Laser cutting path. 

Luckily, a brilliant recreation of reinvention of Buckminster Fuller's Dymaxion Map done by Hector Tarrido-Picart, titled "Flumen Luna" was created not long ago enabled me to create the .svg drawings of the moon surface via Bitmap Tracing.


Bitmap Tracing

Laser Cutting

3D Printing

Now, I will need to 3D Print the angular supports which will hold the triangle panels in place. Luckily, similar projects in Thingiverse have kindly provided the relevant angles and height of the supports required, along with printer settings and hex-screw sizes

Microcontroller & Programming

As mentioned, I have decided to integrate Google Assistant Voice Control into the Dymaxion Moon. To achieve this, I would require the programming of the ESP8266 relay module and ESP-01S Wifi module. I would also need the service of 2 online server-based application, Adafruit.io and IFTTT Applet to link my Google Account with the Microcontroller. Lastly, I will be using Arduino IDE to code the Adafruit.io key to link with my Wifi and relay Module


Now to assemble everything together. I have also spliced the wires of the power cord to connect with the WIFI Relay module so as to minimize cable.

Final Product

I am very satisfied with what I have created. Although there are many areas for improvements, such as changing the lightbulb to a brighter color and deeper engravings, that will be a project for another day.

Project Poster

YouTube Video